Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


Repository Build for Regulatory documents


A leading organization in the Industry.

The Business Need

A leading organization wanted to build a repository that stores all the regulatory documents scraped from government sources and can be retrieved quickly and effectively using elastic search and filters.


A manual repository that stores all the regulatory documents scraped from government sources can be very time-consuming and lead to errors.

Contact us for a solutions demo:

    Our Solution

    • Own a repository with no expiry limit to access the content.
    • The repository stays up to date due to the versioning of the documents.
    • The breadcrumb of each hierarchy and citation is framed and stored in the DB.
    • Each jurisdiction can be expanded through all levels and content can be accessed from the ceiling level as stated by STP.
    • All the content can be searched through elastic search functionalities.
    • Mapping is done to all the links that navigate from the STP website to the STPReghub website when the user clicks on active links in the STP website.

    Contact us for a solutions demo: