Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


Automated Download of Financial Accounts from Companies House UK

Web Data Automation for Finance Case Study

Problem Statement

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) company in the US faced the challenge of regularly obtaining and maintaining up-to-date financial accounts from the Companies House UK website. The company needed a solution that would automatically download these documents on a weekly basis, ensuring high accuracy and timely access for analysis and integration into their financial models.

Our solution

  • Bot Creation and Automated Navigation: Developed a custom bot to automate the download process of financial accounts. The bot accessed the Companies House UK website and navigated to the Company Filing history using the provided business registration numbers.
  • Document Identification: The bot identified and downloaded the latest available full accounts, mid-year accounts, and quarterly accounts in PDF format on a weekly basis.
  • System for Tracking and Reporting: Implemented a system to monitor the availability of new documents and a reporting mechanism to inform the client of any updates.
  • Secure Storage and Transfer: Downloaded PDFs were securely stored and transferred to the client via SFTP.
  • Handling Site Blocking and Layout Changes: Prepared for potential site blocking scenarios and infrastructure adjustments, with client approval for additional efforts required due to major layout changes.

Contact us for a solutions demo:


    • High Accuracy: Achieved an accuracy rate greater than 95%, providing reliable financial data for the client’s analysis and integration into their AI models.
    • Operational Efficiency: Streamlined the process of downloading and managing financial documents and manual efforts reduced by 35% 
    • Timely Access to Data: Ensured weekly updates, providing the client with timely access to the latest financial accounts for accurate analysis.

    Mobius custom bot solution enabled the AI company to automate the downloading and management of financial accounts from Companies House UK. This improved operational efficiency, data accuracy, and provided reliable data for their AI models. The streamlined process significantly enhanced the company’s analytical capabilities and decision-making processes.

    Contact us for a solutions demo: