Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


Federated Search - iPaaS

Mobito Case Study

Problem Statement

A leading information provider for financial institutions across the globe. The customer’s platform that reduce the burden of regulatory compliance by streamlining the KYC, CIP, CDD, EDD and credit
investigations process. A single API to manage multiple bot setups and a cloud-based solution to provide real-time concurrency control. Login every time into a website using a smart link (remembers login credentials) when the application needs to search for information.

Our solution

Mobius developed iPaaS & exposed APIs through ‘Mobito’ a platform for infrastructure & BOT orchestration. Mobito accepts multiple connections with encryption from Site search using HTTP (GET/POST) methods and ensures 24/7 upkeep and monitoring. Mobito utilizes queues in Active MQ to process concurrent job requests across VMs.


Contact us for a solutions demo:

    Contact us for a solutions demo: