Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


Mortgage Data Aggregation | Realtime Lending Rates for Provider

Mobito Case Study

Problem Statement

Near real-time Mortgage data capture for a well-known Fintech company in the US.

  • A solution to aggregate data from online lending marketplace websites on a near real-time basis while not compromising on the quality or coverage.
  • To process 30,000 input requests per site per hour and the resulting data from the site will be delivered to the destination S3 / Postgres DB.

Our solution

Mobius handled 30,000 API calls & website hits every hour. The scraped data is pushed into the DB for de-duplication. Automated status updates every 4 hours.

Heartbeat API setup – Program readable JSON reports for visibility into the pipeline of progress/issues so that the bot may be stopped, corrected, and reinitiated within the hour.

Acknowledgment of issues flagged and initiating corrective actions within the same hour. A live dashboard to check the live output status.

Contact us for a solutions demo: