Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


News and Research

Mobito Case Study

Problem Statement

Aggregating news data to aid R&D for one of the top 10 automakers in the world.

Our solution

Contact us for a solutions demo:

    • Ensuring 100% coverage of the content of interest
    • Removing any duplicates from across the sources based on the content match rather than the headline match
    • Collection of metadata for every article collected
    • Collecting historical data from each source
    • Scalability of the solution to allow for adding multiple new sources for monitoring


    1. Reduction in operational cost by Automated Comprehensive Solution.
    2. Increase in productivity by 23%

    3. Scalable solution to include additional New sources.


    Contact us for a solutions demo: