Upcoming Webinar : Leveraging Web Data For Advanced Analytics

On 6th Dec, 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM ( EST) 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM ( GMT )


Data for the Energy Industry


A European Commodity Intelligence Service Provider.

The Business Need

Our client aimed to leverage data intelligence and robotic process automation to collect European gas data from over 122 websites and prepare reports which bring liquidity and transparency to the markets.

Using data intelligence, the client was able to obtain valuable market insights, compare output to demand, and anticipate market changes.

Please Share your details to download the complete case study.


Frequent site changes and site blocking, as well as human data modification requests relating to the GB and capacity upgrades, are two major obstacles for automating European gas data collecting for reporting on market liquidity and transparency. 

For a detailed presentation of specific use cases, please write back to us at support@techmobius.com